My terms of service.

Last updated: January 2024

Shorthands and Language

“I”, “me”, “designer”, “the artist” and related all refer to Sidney Brown, a member of and performing work on behalf of Irie Computer LLC.

“The buyer”, “client”, “customer”, and related all refer to the individual or company commissioning me.

“Deliverable”, “graphic design”, “image”, “graphic”, “illustration”, “drawing”, and related all refer to the items I have been commissioned to make


Prices are subject to change.

Each commission opening has a set number of slots, I will not start a new opening until I feel it’s time.

I reserve the right to decline or reject orders for any reason.

Personal usage commissions will take between 1 to 5 weeks barring unusual circumstances. I will not work holidays without bonus pay.

Commercial usage commissions vary in time frame based on scope.


All communication is done via email. I am available from Monday to Friday and will respond within 1-2 business days.

Holidays and breaks will be announced to current clients in advance.

Injuries and illnesses will be announced as soon as possible to current clients.

Do not contact me on social media unless you’ve been unable to contact me via email. I don’t use social media instant messaging for commissions, beware of scams.

Progress updates will be provided at each major step via email, as well as when requested.

General Will/Won’t Draw

Below is a list of subjects I will or won’t draw.

Personal usage commissions have additional will/won’t draw segments listed on their pages.

Will draw

  • Animals
  • Fantasy creatures and monsters
  • Humans/humanoids and furries/anthros
  • Robots, props, vehicles
  • Landscapes and scenery

Won’t draw

  • Bigotry and hatespeech
  • Adult content
  • World War II
  • Photorealism 
  • Superheroes/villians
  • Detailed mechanical structures
  • Anything I am uncomfortable with

Usage Rights: Personal

This section pertains to commissions that come with personal usage rights.

I reserve the right to use any images I make for clients to advertise my skills and catalog my creations publically.

If a customer wants a commission to be posted on or after a specific date I need to know up front. I will charge a rush fee if I feel it is appropriate.

If a customer wants a personal commission to be private and never posted anywhere public, the customer will need to pay a privacy fee of 50% of the commission’s cost or $100, whichever amount is greater. This is compensation for losing out on advertising.

Customers may repost their purchased art for personal usage as long as they don’t claim to have made it. Credit is not required but greatly appreciated. 

Personal usage commissions can be reprinted on physical media as long as it’s not being used to generate profit.

Personal usage commissions can not be used for commercial ventures or anything that generates profit. This includes but is not limited to: selling print on demand merchandise (redbubble, etc), NFTs, AI image generation, selling prints.

Usage Rights: Commercial

This section pertains to commissions that come with commercial usage rights.

Commercial usage rights will be negotiated on a case-by-case basis with clients. 

I am not open to commissions related to NFT/blockchain/crypto, artificial intelligence image generation/neural network image generation, or other similar topics.


All commissions must be paid in USD.

Accepted clients will be billed via an invoice from IrieComputer LLC. I am a member of Irie Computer LLC and head of graphic design.

Commercial commissions are subject to a commercial usage licensing fee, negotiated with the client.

Do not send a payment before you are sent an invoice. Beware of scams.

If the price is under $100 on a personal usage commission, I require full payment upfront before I begin working.

If the price is over $100 on a personal usage commission, or it is a commercial usage commission, I require 50% of payment upfront before I begin working.

The remaining 50% must be paid after I have finished all work. After that, I will hand over all deliverables.


I keep a public queue here: Trello

Each post will be updated as needed.


Customers will receive a print resolution image and a web friendly image of their commission once everything’s been paid in full.

There is no physical product, all deliverables are digital.


Clients get 1 minor revision at each step of the process (no more than 15% changed)

A fee will be added for excessive changes, major changes, as well as revisions to the final image.

If a change is needed due to an error on my part, please let me know as soon as possible. It is easier to fix an issue on a sketch than a completed drawing. Ensure that you provide clear reference material and are specific with what you want to mitigate confusion. This might incur additional fees.

Refunds and cancellation

I can cancel and refund a commission without offering a reason.

If a commission is canceled before I start working on it, the client will receive a full refund.

If the commission is canceled while being worked on, the client will receive a partial refund depending on which stage the image is in. The current step’s image will be delivered.

I retain the right to repurpose or resell a canceled commission after removing anything that’s the client’s IP, such as characters or pets.